Thursday, 10 May 2012

Berry Strawberry

Am going on a two week break to Perth, taking the kids home to visit family and friends.  Really looking forward to autumnal weather and lots of nature :-)  It's gonna make such a lovely change from Singapore and I simply cannot wait.

Just before I go, filling an order for strawberry and white chocolate cupcakes.  Here's the result!

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Blueberry and White Chocolate Cupcakes

I tried this new recipe today and my 2 year old loved it. Kept cramming the cake into his mouth till he tried the frosting, and his eyes lightened up even more (if that was possible!).  Ate one myself. Verdict: I've died and gone to cupcake heaven! One of the best cupcakes I've had. Yum. Now, how can I keep myself away from the rest is the question..

Blueberry cupcakes with white chocolate and mascarpone frosting

Emma's 1 month celebration

Another dragon princess is born!  It's been a really good year for babies and lots of people I know are either pregnant, or have just delivered.  The Chinese believes that the Dragon is the biggest chinese zodiac sign, and the luckiest.  Looks like it's true so far :-)

A combination of feminine and cute cupcakes for this order.  Very happy that the client loves it!